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Karmic astrology

- with Nadina

"All my life I've felt like an 'alien' in this world. During an astrological consultation with Nadina, for the first time I felt understood and seen as I am. What an indescribable homecoming. She described in great detail what I've been struggling with inside me for years which I've never been able to talk to anyone. I wouldn't even be able to put it into words myself. Her words brought deep reassurance and concrete perspectives to finally unfold myself, to open my wings in this life."



Karmic astrology online


We are born with certain themes that our soul takes from our karmic past to transform them.

At the moment of our birth, an imprint of this occurs in matter.

From this we can read our "assignments" for this life, the pieces of ourselves that we

must integrate.

In this way we get a personal plan, pointers that can help us on the path of our evolution.


For such a karmic interpretation your birth data is needed:

date, time and place of birth.


You will receive a recording of each consult.




consultation via Zoom

60 minutes

150 euros

astronomische Klok
Fluisterend tegen opa


Karmic relations


In addition to our own karmic map, we can study relationships with others.

Every person in our life brings us certain gifts and challenges. The others help us to study and integrate our karmic themes. Those themes are awakened in this way by our family, children or partners in which only we can transform something.

For such a karmic interpretation your birth data and of the person concerned is needed:

date, time and place of birth.


You will receive a recording of each consult.




consultation via Zoom

60 minutes

150 euros


Karmic couples


In a relationship we are two.

They are two worlds that come together to help each other grow and evolve.

During this consultation we look at which karmic themes awaken the partners together.

It is a perfect way for a couple to study what they have to do together in this beautiful school we call “life”.

This also requires the birth data of both partners.


You will receive a recording of each consult.




consultation via Zoom

60-90 minutes

180 euros

Sluit Omhoog Portret

Alchemy of Sparks

Center for karmic and personal transformations

+32 4743 289 40

+33  7721 581 40


La Bastide

Pyrénées-Orientales France 


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