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Alchemy of Sparks

 Center for karmic and personal transformations

Why "Alchemy of Sparks"?

"Alchemy of Sparks" was born from an inner call that aimed to accompany  individuals, willing to transform themselves. We provide support and a safe space for effective change and personal transformation.


Here we guide you to decipher and transform your repetitive (karmic) patterns.

If you have the courage to consciously make contact with your pain points, then a new inner world opens up, alchemy arises, and you will witness the interaction between matter and consciousness.

At that point, the transformation process begins to unfold.

It is a road that is unique for everyone.


It's nature, surrounding and energy make this center powerful space for self-transformation.

Here you can work on your own unfolding and inner growth.


The center offers retreats, study programmes, online programmes and live sessions.




With Alchemy of Sparks we want to contribute to the development of consciousness. Any individual who becomes aware affects the collective consciousness of humanity. In the current times of challenges and crises, that awareness is fundamental to the evolution into a new era.




Free discovery call

In free 15 minutes of an introductory call we will take a look at your energetic inner state as well as your intentions and goals.


You book an online session

During an online session we dive deeper into subconscious area to discover patterns and codings that are blocking you on your way of transformation.


Start coaching

You will be guided from the point where you are at to the point where you want to go, by the most effective method we can offer.

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About us

Gert De Smedt


Gert graduated as a bio-engineer in chemistry in 2001 and was a science teacher for four years.

A burnout took him on a completely new path of personal development.


He took additional training as a therapist in emotional bodywork and system constellations, Zhineng Qigong and permaculture design. In his constant study of consciousness, contact with Amazonian tribes is an important pillar.


From his own experiences he has been guiding people on their inner journey since 2008.

In recent years he has specialized with Alchemy of Sparks in personal/karmic transformations and leadership development.You can visit his personal site through the following link. 

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Nadina-Nina Šetić


Nadina's childhood was an accumulation of events in which she felt victimized. The war in Sarajevo and her father's alcohol addiction marked her. Later on, she suffered from anxiety and depression.

Thanks to karmic astrology and plant medicine she was able to open a new door in her consciousness. A new perception opened to her and she discovered her passion in the tunnels of the subconscious.

​She has further expanded that astrological basis with training in Reiki, massage, Bach flower therapy, Inner Child/Ancestral Healing and regression therapy.


Helping people in the "places" where she needed help herself gives her the greatest fulfillment.

You can visit her personal site through the following link.

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Get In Touch

Thanks for submitting!

Alchemy of Sparks

Center for karmic and personal transformations

+32 4743 289 40

+33  7721 581 40


La Bastide

Pyrénées-Orientales France 


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