Why holotropic retreat?
This retreat has been designed to decode and transform limiting patterns that have arisen during the period of conception, pregnancy and your birth process.
For whom?
If you feel trapped in recurrent (transgenerational) patterns, and you would like to transform them.
If you are struggling with long-term blocked energies that are keeping you from living up to your potential, and you would like to release them.
If you want to transform karmic loads that have been imprinted in your system since birth, to increase your energy levels and gain more freedom in your life.
Or, if you want to liberate yourself from negative emotions towards your own parents.
In a safe and secure environment, we delve beyond the realms of mental comprehension in order to release pent-up emotions and transform limiting behaviors through an intensive breathwork process.
We focus on the birth matrix, where the imprints of karmic patterns are made for the rest of ours lifes.
Birth traumas that may have taken place are consciously revisited and then invited to be transformed in a compassionate male and female presence, representing both parental energies.
For this vulnerable process of opening the birth memories we provide a protected space on our own domain that holds the energy of the whomb. Built with only natural materials our whomb of earth facilitates your process of transformation and rebirth.
Reboot your body and soul in the pyrenees
Go in depth with this individual retreat
Build inner strength and balance
Experience new dimensions
Create a new and liberating mindset
Healthy and fresh nutrition